I don’t even know how to start, but maiwe! I messed my life and I am full of regrets. I am only 22 and married to a 21year old woman, ndakakurumidza kumedza ini ndichada kutsenga. I will be very honest with you, I thought marriage was about s*x, that’s not it. I can’t face the responsibilities, now I can understand what my parents meant when they said I was too young
Mukadzi wacho is no longer as attractive as I thought. Most of my friends are still single and when we hang out, they don’t even look at their watches, ini ndinenge ndakudaidzwa nechikadzi ichi. I feel like picking a reverse gear, but nobody wants to listen to my story vanongoti takakuyambira. Ndaakuita semunhu abebenuka kuhope all of a sudden, I now see beautiful career women. TETE MOLLY I need my space, I need to rethink, I want to carry on with my studies without any disturbances. Please help me
Thank you for writing in and for reading our column. Eh! Young man, relax, not so fast please. This is life, you need to be steady and plan, it seems you want a lot of things to happen all at once. You want your space, you need to rethink, you want to continue with your education, mind you, fast track is very shortlived. Dai ndakaziva haitungamiri, there is no need for regrets. Your parents told you that you were not mature enough to get married, but you defied them. How come this woman is not as beautiful as she used to be, aiwaka beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Marriage is not just about facial beauty, munhu wega wega ane zvaakakoshera, zvitsvage unozviwana, kune imwe beauty without brains, would you want that?
When we talk about marriage we talk about real people with feelings and emotions, yakasiyana negame rejump in and jump out. It’s bottlenecked and it’s not easy to come out without breaking the bottle. Wanano haizi yebonde chete, inouya nemaresponsibilities, masacrifices, mufaro nekusuwa panguva dzakasiyanasiyana. My advice is, don’t pick the reverse gear you are talking about yet. You are still a very young couple and as far as I can see you have no real marital problems, which is a good sign.Ungati mukadzi wako akashata, ko akazorumwa nei?
You are starting badly, instead of always hanging with friends imboendawo nemukadzi wako and enjoy each other’s company. You have a brilliant idea of continuing with your education, wanano haitadzise izvi even vana mbuya nana sekuru vari kudzidza wani. Beautiful and career women will always be there, so don’t let this disrupt your union. With education your own wife can become what you envy now. Never call your wife names like chikadzi, it’s very mean and unfair. Last but not least love your wife, enjoy your marriage, improve your status and don’t ever regret.