Nhai Tete is it true kuti Murume ane MBORO is CURVED kunge Banana ANONAKA? Wangu hapana apa… Makadini henyu Tete Molly ndiri mukadzi akaroorwa makore matatu apfura. Murume wangu ane mboro yakacurver kunge banana zvokuti according to what people say i thought my hubby has a mboro like the latest BMW with 4 exhausts… But i later noticed kuti hapana anotunda achingopinda and the worst part is he smiles and asks me kui ndanakirwa here…. Please help me ndisati ndasvirisa kusango…
Hie how are you… Tiripo hedu, mboro yese inonaka hapana kuti curved is more sweet. Murume wako anenungo dzekusvira that is why achitundira paDoor rebeche. Muudze kuti kana akasakusvira zvine mongo uchasvirwa kuNext Door. So next time he asks you kuti wanakirwa here seka hako and tell him kuti since day one hapana kusvirwa apa. Sometimes you need to be very BLUNT and honest kuti vanhu vazive kuti business rekusvirana is not a JOKE…..