Beche rangu rainge rakanunira nenyere ndikasvirwa nemwana waboss, apa ndakuda mboro yababa – Maid tells her Story.. This is a short story that we received via our email line…
A Harare Maid tells her story yekukwirwa neMwana waBoss. Hanzi Beche rangu ranga rakanunira nenyere. According to the email we received this woman a maid explains how her bedroom Olympics went.
NdakaSeducer mwana waBoss akandipa package yake yese. Handina kumuitira tsitsi kana mbichana, mini skirt pasina panty ndakaona mfana achisekerera mboro yakamira. Ndakamuti “tora gambi iri tione kuti unogona kusvira here” Mfana akaseka akati bvisa top iyo tione mazamhu if you are serious.
Ndakati zvidiki izvo ndokubvisa top ndokurasira uko. Beche rangu ranga rakanunira nenyere ndikati svira tione… Mfana anosvira iyeye chandakafarira was mboro yake yaive hombe but not vey big isingarwadze ichinaka!
Taive pasofa mudining Madam Boss was at work nemurume wavo saka takaita marounds 4 kusvika mfana ati lets save some for later…. But pa4 rounds ipapo ndakaziva kuti iyi mboro handichada kuyiregera sezvo ndanga ndanzwa kunaka kwayo.
Now problem is mfana kana ane mboro inonaka kudai i kept help myself but wonder kuti ko yababa vacho inonaka zvakaita sei… Ndiribusy right now kunyora this email and ndatota kare just thinking of baba vacho vachindisvira nekumashure…
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