The rally meant to launch the party’s by-election campaign is set for Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfields.
Police have barred Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) from busing party supporters, toy toying and convoying of vehicles at its first-star rally in Harare Sunday.
According to a police clearance letter sent to CCC provincial organising secretary Paul Madzore supporters will not be allowed to chant slogans from their vehicles. POLICE have barred Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) from busing party supporters, toy toying and convoying of vehicles at its first star rally in Harare Sunday.
Madzore confirmed receipt of the letter. “Busing in of people from other constituencies is strictly prohibited,” read part of the clearance.
“Your members shall not be involved in any toy toying, convoying of vehicles of people chanting slogans and singing. “Any deviation from the above will result in police dispersing your gathering.”
The rally is being conducted at the same venue rival Douglas Mwonzora used at his own by-election campaign launch last week. It was attended by 300 supporters.
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Lupane State University in another s.e.xual harassment storm. Indications are that he has to create positions and promote the ladies to cover up for his misgivings which the ladies were likely to expose to the public if not promoted. A university internal source said VC is covering up the shenanigans by appointing and promoting female employees that he s.e.xually harassed.
Lupane State University has been caught in yet another sexual abuse storm in which the Vice-Chancellor Pardon Kuipa is alleged to…Learn More.
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