Jilted police officer bashes pregnant wife to death. Hilary Gororo (30), who was represented by MacKenzie Ndebele and Echaria Makaka of Zimudzi and Associates appeared before magistrate Yeukai Dzuda.
A policeE officer based at Buchwa Support Unit appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court facing murder charges after he allegedly assaulted his pregnant wife to death.
The State alleges that sometime in October last year, in Maro village under Chief Chinamhora, Domboshava, the now-deceased Mavis Nyagumbo, who was a student at Bondolfi Teachers College, was assaulted by Gororo following a domestic dispute.
It is alleged that Nyagumbo told her father Saul Nyagumbo, who was in Masvingo and her aunt Mary Mufute of Zimunya township, Mutare of the assault. She was taken to Makumbe Hospital for treatment and later transferred to Parirenyatwa Hospital.
The matter was not reported to the police. Her health deteriorated resulting in her giving birth to a stillborn baby. On January 4, she was referred to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital and died on January 5.
A post-mortem conducted on January 25 at Parirenyatwa Hospital concluded that the cause of her death was head trauma after she was struck with an unknown object. Lynette Gwarisa appeared for the State.
Source – Bulawayo24
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