Bollywood star Alia Bhatt will join Gal Gadot in the upcoming international spy thriller from Netflix, Heart of Stone. The Indian-born British actress has won several accolades since her debut in 2012, including four Filmware Awards. Her dramatic role in Abhishek Chaubey’s Udta Punjab won her both the Screen Award and IIFA Award For Best Actress.
Film Updates reported via Twitter that Bhatt will be making her Hollywood debut in Heart of Stone, which also stars Jamie Dornan alongside Gadot. Netflix won the competitive auction for the worldwide rights of Skydance’s spy thriller back in January 2021, and has Tom Harper (The Aeronauts) directing the project written by Greg Rucka (The Old Guard) and Allison Shroeder (Hidden Figures).
The film is developed by the Skydance Media production company which is responsible for movies like “Mission: Impossible: Fallout”, “The Old Guard” and “Top Gun: Maverick” among others.
So far all that has been divulged is that “Heart of Stone” will mark the beginning of a new female-centric espionage franchise that runs along the lines of “Mission Impossible”, and Bhatt’s role in the film is unknown.
Bhatt took to social media to show off her new acting gig.
While Gadot took to her page to post the beginning of the shoot. She captioned her post: “Rachel Stone. Nice to meet you#HeartOfStone @netflixfilm @pilotwavemotionpictures @jaronvarsano @skydance
Source: News365
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