NdakaSurpriser Maid weMazigaro neMBORO ainyanya kugara asina pant!!! Chokwadi shuwa mukadzi uyu aive muyedzo. From day one ndakaona kui uyu baby uyu anga ana SATAN chaiye mukai make because i could tell kuti mukati mekadress kapfupi ako manga musina pant.
She was good with the kids and the cleaning. Kubika aive number one asi haa garo rese raigara panze asina panty. Saka ndakaziva zvaaida coz it seemed like aipfeka mushe kana mukadzi wangu aripo. Bu when its me there haa magaro ese panze… Here is one picture i took backview…
Anonzi Vivian anobva kuKadoma and musi uyu ndakasvika kumba ndakadhakwa hangu ndikati ndoda kumupa Surprise she will never forget. It wasn’t a shopping voucher from those famous online shops no i had the perfect surprise for her…
Ndakasvika ndikaona achicleaner and ndakaburitsa musiyamwa and ka1 ndokupfekedzera mubeche and she didn’t move a muscle. Instead akatopushira kumashure… Ndakadzupura ndokudzosera yese and ndokubata waistline yake ndokusvira zvoinemongo…
Akachemerera and ndakamuzvambura nemboro ndokutundira mukati. Hapana akataura nemumwe ndakaenda ku bedroom and didn’t see her till the wife was home. Ndakabva ndaziva what she prefers and i promised myself that i was gonna surprise her some more…
Reason why i sent you this story Masasi is i am looking for Chipo… Since that day reSviro akabva angosiya basa and left, no one knows why or where she went… So please anyone out there please help me….