Nine hours of torture for a busted drug dealer. A 24-year-old man is nursing injuries he sustained after he was reportedly bashed and detained for more than eight hours in a botched drugs deal. …stripped naked, tied overnight
Tapiwa Mashingaidze was given a thorough hiding by the alleged drugs seller Tendai ‘Tenso’ Walani.
The incident occurred on Friday evening when Tapiwa was bashed after confiscating a mobile phone belonging to Tenso for allegedly selling him coarse salt instead of a drug called Crystal Methamphetamine. The case has since been reported as an assault charge under RRB 4334769 at Katanga Police Base and he was referred to Norton Hospital for medical examination.
Efforts to get a comment from Tenso were fruitless. “Tenso sold me coarse salt instead of crystal meth and I went for recovery. “I took his mobile phone before they followed and attacked me.
“They took me to their house where they tied me whilst I was naked. “Vakandirova rough, with an electric cable from 11 pm and forced me to sleep outside at the veranda of their house,” narrated Tapiwa.
Tapiwa said, he bought the fake drug for US$5. “I was apprehended at Katanga shopping centre by Tenso who was in the company of his friends. “They tied and beat me whilst I was naked, they even urinated on me, vachindisvipira.
“I wanted to recover my money since he had sold me fake drugs,” added Tapiwa. The matter came to light around 8am on Saturday when Tapiwa’s brother Takudzwa went to the house and found him tied whilst on the veranda.
“Takudzwa is the one who came to collect me after he heard that I was apprehended by Tenso and friends. “He then accompanied me to the police where we reported the case.” Investigations into the matter are underway and Tenso is reportedly on the run.
Source – H-Metro
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Report: President Mnangagwa to flee to Qatar for exile. Writing on Twitter on Sunday Moyo said the President’s allies were not satisfied with the safety of the Mnangagwa when he resigns after he has been pressured by the military to do so.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s allies are considering finding a safe haven for him in Western Asian countries when he exits the Presidential seat, Professor Jonathan Moyo says…continue reading.