WhatsApp chat circulating claims a Masvingo wan has tested positive to Coronavirus. Ever since South Africa confirmed 2 Coronavirus cases Zimbabwe has never been stable in handling the news. All social media platforms have been busy buzzing about the disease.
So it was with no shock that there is a WhatsApp chat that has circulated saying in Masvingo there has been a Coronavirus case of a woman who is believed to have tested positive to the disease. Check the WhatsApp chat below
[03/08, 14:59] +27 65 190 1498: The Wilkins Hospital is dealing with a case of a traveller from Thailand who presented at a local private hospital today, meeting the case definition for COVID-19 and was referred to them for further tests.
– Ministry of Info
[03/08, 14:59] +27 65 190 1498: COVID19 scare at Masvingo Gen Hosp after a woman who frequently travels 2 Dubai came with symptoms suspected 2 be COVID19.There are no test kits and there are no adequate protective clothing the patient hs bn isolated &a team has bn send 2 get the test kits frm Hre
[03/08, 14:59] +27 65 190 1498: #CoronavirusUpdate In Masvingo, a traveller from Dubai tested negative for Coronavirus. He is now in self-quarantine and being monitored
– Ministry of Info
Source – iHarare
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Bev Sibanda back at work serenades fans with first performance after being married. She said it, and she is living up to her word. After her marriage to United Kingdom-based Chambuka Mufudzi at the Harare Magistrates’ Court last month, some thought Bev would quit her dancing job to focus on her marriage, but with this latest line-up of shows, it is clear she is not slowing down.
Raunchy dancer Beverly “Bev” Sibanda, who recently got married, is certainly not leaving her trade for anything as she has lined up a series of shows in Bulawayo and Victoria Falls where she has vowed to showcase extra erotic moves. Raunchy dancer…continue reading.