Depending on your perspective, you could call Prince Kaybee’s response to this tweet by AKA a correction or a clap back but regardless, AKA went silent.
Just like the old days, AKA went on a rant on Twitter this weekend but what we know for sure is that AKA was not expecting this response from Prince Kaybee.
The DJ responded to a tweet from AKA that implied poor people couldn’t give good advice as they were not living the good life themselves. Uhm, what?
If someone tries to give you advice, ask yourself … does this person live in the house I want, drive the car I want, or generally live the life I want … if the answer is no, then ask yourself what qualifies this person to dispense ANY sort of advice to you in the first place.
— AKA (@akaworldwide) March 7, 2020
To which Prince Kaybee responded:
Hosh @akaworldwide , my mother DID NOT live in a house of my dreams but she gave me advice. So my argument here is some people genuinely want you to prosper depending on sincerity not what they have
— K A B I L L I O N (@PrinceKaybee_SA) March 7, 2020
Maybe AKA was trying to be funny, but a lot of the tweeps were not quite understanding the ‘joke’. AKA’s fans believe that Prince Kaybee intentionally missed the point for attention. Once again, the streets are split, but after Kaybee said what he said, most of Twittersphere was in total agreeance.
I knew the Welkom Pantsula came out of you when you said “Hosh”.
This is profound bro
— Thembile G (@ThembileGee) March 7, 2020
PrinceKaybee our Cleaner. He cleans arrogancy ka high grade.
— Zwovulea Nenungwi (@ZwoPrudence) March 7, 2020
Did we miss something? Perhaps, but to be honest- we liked AKA and Prince Kaybee when they were focused on their careers and not on the messiness of the internet.
In other news – Uzalo actor Thobani Nzuza escapes death from 3 hitmen
Three hitmen hired by Afropop musician Mnqobi Yazo’s manager Senelisiwe Bhengu to kill Uzalo actor Thobani Nzuza rented a house in his complex – but still missed the target.
The award-winning thespian escaped the hit by the skin of his teeth when the inkabis broke into his place in Joburg and, when they did not find him, continue reading
Source: News365