Mona Monyane Announces Separation From Husband Khulu Skenjana! Another shocking split in celebville as Mona Monyane announced split from husband of four years actor Khulu Skenjana.
The couple got married in 2016 and welcomed their first child the same year. Their marriage was rocked with a couple of tragedies and battles and it might seem it was all too much for the couple to get through together. They lost their one-week-old second daughter in 2017 and in 2019 their house burned down to ashes. Taking to Twitter to announce the split, Mona asked her followers to still believe in love and family although her own had split.
My husband and I have parted ways. I know this will come as a shock to many and I ask that you continue to believe in love and family. The battles we have met have been difficult to overcome together and I ask that you respect us by not sensationalizing our separation,” she shared.
Sending love and light to both Mona and Khulu.
My husband and I have parted ways. I know this will come as a shock to many and I ask that you continue to believe in love and family. The battles we have met have been difficult to overcome together and I ask that you respect us by not sensationalizing our separation.
— Power Of Wellness (@MonaMonyane) March 6, 2020
I have cried many times in the past 5 years, I have felt pain that literally killed me but God has a bigger purpose for me, I am still here for a reason. I cry today because I am in awe at the mercy and grace that has been extended onto me. Keep keeping on, light never fails
— Power Of Wellness (@MonaMonyane) March 6, 2020
The thin line between love and hate is not a myth.
— Power Of Wellness (@MonaMonyane) March 6, 2020
In other news – The #CoronavirusChallenge goes Viral
The outbreak of the coronavirus is nothing to laugh at, but that hasn’t stopped Black Twitter from making a mockery of the pandemic. With the first case being confirmed in the country, almost everyone is in meltdown mode over the possibility of it spreading and infecting hundreds of thousands, like it’s done abroad.
But in typical Mzansi fashion, we turn to humour in times of crisis (or anytime and all the time for that matter). That’s what we do in Satafrika right? Read more
Source: News365