HER family and community gathered for a funeral to mourn her after she was electrocuted by live power cables.
But, Vellah Misodzi, who was 14 then, was not dead.
For seven hours, she battled for her life in the Intensive Care Unit, and her family lost all hope.
Vella, who stays in Juru (Bhora), was in 2016 electrocuted while on her way from school, when she stepped onto Zesa cables, which had fallen on the road.
She was unconscious for seven hours prompting her family to prepare a funeral.
Mourners gathered and drums were playing along with sorrowful songs. However, at around midnight, she emerged out of her coma.
She wrote her Grade Seven examinations, while on her hospital bed, after sustaining serious injuries.
Vellah lost her leg, hand and toes.
She is now in Form Two and is the oldest in her class.
“I stay with my mother in Bhora under Goromonzi District and I was told that my father died while I was still in the womb.
“I was born without any defect, unfortunately on September 22, in 2016 I was coming from school when I stepped onto live Zesa cables, which had fallen following a fire.
“We were approaching the Grade Seven final exams, when this incident occurred.
“A fire broke out in the area and burnt a Zesa pole, which fell onto the road, leaving the cables exposed.
“I stepped onto the cables and my left hand and leg stuck to the cables.
“My hair was burning and, at that moment, magetsi akabva adhinguka before I fell unconscious,” she said.
Her rescuers had to cut the uniforms she was wearing.
“They had to use a knife to cut the uniform, and my flesh was peeling off and this happened around 6pm.
“I was then ferried to Musami Mission Provincial Hospital before being referred to Parirenyatwa due to the degree of the injuries.
“I later regained my consciousness around 12 midnight and I was asking where I was.
“I discovered that, next to me, was a man whose head was cracked and I was frightened due to his condition, not knowing that I had more serious injuries than him.”
She said at her home, people had gathered for a funeral wake.
“At home, my family members were already preparing for a funeral since they had lost hope and assumed I had died.
“They were playing drums as I remained in the ICU for hours.
“I was taken from the ICU by the doctors who took me to another ward.
“I was just 14 years and my left upper hand, left leg (below the knee) and three toes on the right leg, were amputated.
“I went into theatre four times, on my first day I entered around 9am and woke up around 7pm.
“I stayed in hospital for three months and I had to write my Grade Seven exams while on the hospital bed.”
She explained how she wrote her exams:
“There were some teachers, who were moving around hospitals helping pupils to write their exams.
“They came to me checking if I was able to write the exams and I said yes.
“But my relatives and some teachers from school, at first, declined since I was in great pain.
“I even cried to convince my relatives and, in the end, I sat for my exams, which began on November 4.
“I developed ulcers and I was then discharged from the hospital on December 24 and I was now being treated at home.
“I would go for review every week.
“The day I left the hospital I cried since I was shocked that I was now going to use a wheelchair.
“It was difficult for me to accept my new condition as I was now disabled yet I used to walk properly.
Vellah said her results came out separately.
“When the Grade Seven results came out, mine didn’t come.
“There were some issues but they later came out in March 2017 and I had 19 units.
“I went to Jairosi Jiri, looking for enrolment, and they advised me to get examined first, as they claimed my brain was affected by the burns.
“We could not get access to the doctor and I had to stay at home but I kept my results slip hoping that one day I would go to school.
“I took poison so that I kill myself before my mother took it away from me.
“I felt I was giving her a burden since she was the one who was taking care of me, pushing my wheelchair.
“But, I later got counselling and I now have happiness. I asked myself kuti dai zvisina kuitirwa ini ndaida zviitirwe ani,” she said.
She said four years later she went back to school.
“I started going to secondary school after four years. I had always wanted to proceed with school.
“Many people laughed and mocked me over my age when they heard I was now going to school.
“Vaiti iyo chembere, zigogo chairo muchiri kuvavarirei kuchikoro. These words affected me the most but I comforted myself.
“It was not easy at school since no one would want to push me on the wheelchair.
“The situation made me not to eat or drink anything at school since no one would take me to the toilet.
“I am now in Form Two and I look forward to a better future. I wish to be a role model to many vulnerable people.
“People say a lot but I have developed a thick skin. Worse still, I am the oldest in class but I am not moved or deterred.
“I have discovered that suicide is not an option.
“Death is not an option and I see myself becoming a journalist or radio presenter.
“I want a job that can suit my condition.”
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