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ZMC looking for a Chief Executive Officer


ZMC looking for a Chief Executive Officer. The Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) has invited suitable candidates to fill the Chief Executive Officer that has risen in the commission. We present the vacancy notice:

The Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC), established in terms of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Act (No 20) Sections 248, 249, 250 and Zimbabwe Media Commission Ad (2021), is one of the Chapter 12 Commissions whose role among others is to regulate the media industry in Zimbabwe.

The Commission is also responsible for promoting media freedom and access to information. The ZMC Board of Commissioners invites qualified and experienced Zimbabwean citizens to fill the position of Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer. The position holder reports to the Board of Commissioners.

Key Responsibilities
The Commission Secretary/Chief Executive shall be responsible for the following:

• Providing strategic, proactive and effective leadership for the Commission’s operations

• Supervising and managing the Commission’s staff, activities, funds and property

• Providing advice and guidance on media policy matters, laws and regulations including amendments

• Preparing strategic and development plans for the Commission

• Providing guidance and advice in media policy matters or changes

• Establishing, developing and maintaining strategic relationships, knowledge sharing, partnerships and collaboration between ZMC and other Chapter 12 Commissions, other public and private sector entities, NG0s, donors and multi-lateral agencies.

• Performing such other functions as may be assigned by the Board of Commissioners

Job Specifications
• The applicant must have demonstrable leadership capabilities to lead a large and complex institution with a brooder, expanded mandate

• The applicant is required to have a comprehensive understanding of Zimbabwean media laws, regulations and statutes administered by the Commission

• Excellent planning and organizing skills required in managing assigned projects to accomplish work objectives

• Provides the Commission with effective leadership anchored on high ethical standards

• Good interpersonal and engagement skills

• Excellent stakeholder engagement, networking and management skills

A Master’s Degree or PhD/DPhil in Media, Communications or Journalism, Law or a relevant Social Science degree from a reputable institution.

Related Experience
• A minimum of ten (10) years experience in media, journalism, communications or law.

▪ At least 5 years of experience at the executive management level.

• Experience in public sector management or public administration would be an advantage

• Regional or international exposure will be an added advantage

How to Apply
Interested candidates should submit applications, accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) and certified copies of academic and professional qualifications by 28th February 2022 All applications should be e-mailed to the ZMC Board Chairperson on ruby.magosvongwe@zmc.co.zw ; tebbymudey@gmail.com with the subject title as “ZMC Secretary CEO position.”

Source – Pindula News

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post ZMC looking for a Chief Executive Officer first appeared on Mbare Times.

Student teachers support Teachers’ salary strike despite stiff penalties for doing so


Student teachers support Teachers’ salary strike despite stiff penalties for doing so. Student teachers have said they back the industrial action over salaries by the Amalgamated Rural Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) and all teachers nationwide. Some teachers refused to return to work when schools resumed on 7 February saying they are incapacitated.

They want the government to pay them US$540 they were being paid in 2018. In previous articles, Pindula News reported that the government suspended the striking teachers for three months without pay. Teachers say the suspensions are meant to instil fear in teachers. We present the statement issued by the student teachers:

It has been noted that in times of great oppression the ones that choose to remain silent automatically sides with the oppressors. We as a progressive student representative council we would not side with any oppressors. We believe that teachers should be afforded the dignity and respect that befits the nation’s educators.

Teachers and indeed student teachers cannot continue to subsidize the government, a far more superior and rich institution. If this continued Job action is what it takes, then so be it the resistance of evil in and of itself is justified regardless of method or consequences.

Enough is Enough. Teachers cannot breathe.


Source – Pindula News

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post Student teachers support Teachers’ salary strike despite stiff penalties for doing so first appeared on Mbare Times.

SA takes Huawei’s local unit to court over hiring of foreigners


SA takes Huawei’s local unit to court over hiring of foreigners. Approximately 90 percent of the company’s employees were foreign nationals, mainly Chinese, violating “employment equity” regulations which impose a limit of 40 percent, the department said, citing a 2020 audit.

South Africa has asked a court to fine the local unit of China’s Huawei Technologies for breaking rules on hiring locals and to order the company to amend its practices, the labour department said on Friday.

The department said it had filed court papers seeking a fine of 1.5 million rand ($99,151) or 2 percent of the local firm’s annual 2020 turnover for the alleged rule breaches.

“We are requesting the honourable court to grant them an order that says they must implement an employment equity plan that will redress the status quo,” labour department advocate Fikiswa Mncanca-Bede told Reuters by phone.

In a brief statement, Huawei South Africa said it is “committed to continue engaging further with the Department on our equity plan. Huawei is committed to complying with local laws and regulations.”

The department said Huawei was granted a permit in accordance with provisions of the Immigration Regulations requiring it to employ 60 percent South Africans and 40 percent foreign nationals.

It said Huawei instead had been employing far above that number of foreign workers and had plans to hire more. “The department has determined that its cause of action is clear and that all transgressions have been committed,” it said.

The move is the first time the South African government has made a legal challenge against the Chinese tech giant, which is dealing with U.S. sanctions over allegations the company’s equipment could be used by the Chinese government for espionage.

Huawei and Beijing have repeatedly denied the allegations. However, the labour department has cracked down on a smaller Chinese firm over charges of poor working conditions and human trafficking at its factory in Johannesburg. That case is still in court.

Huawei is one of the major information and communications technology players in South Africa, selling a wide range of products from mobile phones, smart devices, television sets and telecom equipment to solutions in cloud computing and data storage. It has not publicly stated the number of people it employs in South Africa.

Source – Zimlive

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post SA takes Huawei’s local unit to court over hiring of foreigners first appeared on Mbare Times.

ZESA boss Sydney Gata divorces Mugabe’s sister after 35 years of marriage


ZESA boss Sydney Gata divorces Mugabe’s sister after 35 years of marriage. ZESA executive chairman Sydney Gata is divorcing his wife of 35 years after telling a court their marriage has “irretrievably broken down.”

Gata married Ntombana Regina Mugabe, a sister to the late former president Robert Mugabe, in January 1987. In summons filed at the Harare High Court, Gata said the couple had not lived together as husband and wife for 30 of those 35 years.

Gata says in court papers: “The marriage between us has irretrievably broken down… I have lost all love and affection towards the defendant. We have lived apart since 1992 which is inconsistent with a normal marriage relationship.

“We have reached an agreement with the defendant and the agreement has been reduced to a consent paper between us.” In the settlement, biotechnologist Mugabe will keep a house in Grange, Harare, on a piece of land measuring 4,260 square meters. Gata also agreed to pay Mugabe a lump sum of US$18,000 and US$800 in divorce costs.

The ZESA chief will also pay Mugabe US$500 monthly for her upkeep or the equivalent in Zimbabwean dollars backdated to January 1, 2022. “Plaintiff’s obligation to pay spousal maintenance… shall terminate once the plaintiff’s employment contract with ZESA terminates on November 30, 2024, or is for any reason earlier terminated than November 30, 2024,” the couple’s agreement says.

Gata and Mugabe have a son together, who is now an adult. The matter is pending.

Source – Zimlive

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post ZESA boss Sydney Gata divorces Mugabe’s sister after 35 years of marriage first appeared on Mbare Times.

Mona’s sister Tatts reportedly snatching fellow socialite’s boyfriend: Pics and Vids


Mona’s sister Tatts reportedly snatching fellow socialite’s boyfriend: Pics and Vids. Mona’s sister Tatenda popularly known as Tatts has lit up social media and has been trending after she is being reportedly posting someone’s boyfriend on her social media platforms and claiming she is dating the man in question.

Judging from the videos and WhatsApp chats that have been circulating it seems she Tatts was once in a relationship with the guy. But from the guy’s point of view, they are finished they are over, but Tatts seems to be holding on and still wants the guy.

However, the guy seems to have moved on and is seen all over this socialite whose name we haven’t got as yet. We have her video posing with the same man Tatts is currently posting. Below are the WhatsApp chats and the video explaining the whole scenario

Tatts WhatsApp chat WhatsAppchat WhatsApp chat

Watch the video of Tats getting upclose and personal with the guy…

The post Mona’s sister Tatts reportedly snatching fellow socialite’s boyfriend: Pics and Vids first appeared on Mbare Times.

Kikky Badass has just melted social media with her Valentine’s Bikini Photoshoot


Kikky Badass has just melted social media with her Valentine’s Bikini Photoshoot. The Zimbabwean rapper has just made everyone sweat over her latest photoshoot as she went all the way deep into Valentine’s Day.

We all know she is not afraid to show off what her mama gave her and she has just managed to grab the attention again with these latest hot snaps.

She is showing off everything and the flesh is there for all to see. Just check these hot red lingerie pictures she posed for pictures as she celebrates Valentine’s Day.

See the hot pictures


Source – MbareTimes


The post Kikky Badass has just melted social media with her Valentine’s Bikini Photoshoot first appeared on Mbare Times.

Stunner’s wife Dyonne just spiced our Valentine’s day with a R.E.D Hot lingerie photoshoot


Stunner’s wife Dyonne just spiced our Valentine’s day with a R.E.D Hot lingerie photoshoot. It runs in her dnA, she likes to show off her skin and oh my God she is doing the most. Today as Valentine’s Day we knew she would have something for us and she did not disappoint at all.

This is what Stunner sleeps next to every night and we are all in awe as we appreciate what this woman carries. She is one of the most beautiful models we will ever have in this country. Dyonne Tanaka decided to give us some hot snaps as we finish this Val’s Day in style. Check the hot pictures as she posed in this red hot linger!e…


She wrote: Don’t you play with me, I wanna see youuuu💋


Your skin is your best accessory, take good care of it 🌱Dyonne Tanaka

How you gon’ upgrade me what’s higher than number one? 

Source – MbareTimes

The post Stunner’s wife Dyonne just spiced our Valentine’s day with a R.E.D Hot lingerie photoshoot first appeared on Mbare Times.

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar


Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released. The business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency.

The Zimbabwe dollar was reintroduced in 2019 after a decade of absence following its collapse in 2008 when Zimbabwe recorded record hyperinflation of 231 million per cent as per official statistics.

Since its reintroduction, the local unit has been losing value against other currencies. The official forex rate stands at US$1:$118,87 while the parallel comparative is US$1:$240. The exchange rate was US$1:6,36 and US$1:10 on the official and parallel markets, respectively, on June 26, 2019, the day the local currency was reintroduced.

Even workers are rejecting the local currency citing its loss of value against other currencies. They are demanding the restoration of their 2018 salaries that were United States Dollar-denominated. Meanwhile, authorities have indicated that they will not be redollarising again as that was not “good for the economy.”

President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently said the Southern African country cannot grow its economy on the basis of a foreign currency which it does not have control over.

He made the remarks last week while addressing dozens of ZANU PF supporters at a rally held in Epworth to launch the party’s campaign for the March 26 by-elections.

Source – NewsDay Zimbabwe

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post Business community rejecting Zim Dollar first appeared on Mbare Times.

Govt bars unvaccinated workers from work and have salaries withhold


Govt bars unvaccinated workers from work and have salaries withhold. All unvaccinated civil servants without any underlying medical conditions have been barred from work without salary subject to disciplinary hearings.

Those qualifying for exemption are required to provide a medical certificate certifying that vaccination can worsen their conditions.

This was announced by Public Service Commission (PSC) Permanent Secretary Ambassador Jonathan Wutawunashe in a circular addressed to all ministries dated February 11, 2022, referenced measures for Covid-19 containment within the public service.

The circular directs the rest of the vaccinated Government workers working from home to return to work with immediate effect under strict adherence to the current lockdown normal working hours. Reads the circular:

In view of the announcement by the Acting President General (Rtd) Dr C.G.D.N Chiwenga on January 2022, regarding measures for Covid-19 containment in the country, heads of ministries are directed to adhere to the underlisted measures with immediate effect, all vaccinated members to return to work with immediate effect.

Face to face interviews now permitted in strict adherence to Covid-19 health measures, office hours shall remain the same and in line with Section 3 (a) (i) of Statutory Instrument 234 of 2021, members not vaccinated should be barred from the workplace and shall not be paid while they are barred.

Members that are not fully vaccinated without a reasonable excuse shall be subject to disciplinary proceedings.  All other health protocols such as wearing face masks, social distancing and sanitisation should be adhered to.

Source – The Herald

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post Govt bars unvaccinated workers from work and have salaries withhold first appeared on Mbare Times.

Tanya Muzinda: Govt is not sincere in educating its children


Tanya Muzinda: Govt is not sincere in educating its children. Tanyaradzwa Adel Muzinda, a Zimbabwean motocross rider, has said the government is not sincere in educating its children. She speaks amid a deadlock between the government and teachers who are refusing to return to work until the government pays them US$540 they were being paid in 2018.

There have been clashes between the government and teachers in the past two years with the employees declaring incapacitation to fulfil their contractual duties. They argue that the inflation eroded their salaries and a piecemeal approach to the problem was not helping hence the need to just restore the United States Dollar-denominated salaries.

Schools were reopened on the 7th of this month after being closed in December and some teachers are adamant they will not go back to work despite the government reviewing their salaries up by 20 per cent.

The employer has also offered US$100 to workers across the board, but they say the increment was too insignificant. Some teachers, about 90 per cent of all teachers, according to the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ), have since been suspended for three months without pay for refusing to go to work.

Commenting on the impasse, Tanya Muzinda, now based in the United States, says the government should fund the education sector. She said:

Government is not sincere in educating its children. Schools where not closed because of Covid it was an excuse to delay the inevitable, the sector is incapacitated. Instead of suspending teachers, Government must suspend corruption for three months. Fund the education sector Now!!!

Some said Tanya was talking sense and urged the whole nation to rally behind the teachers. Some said parents should ditch government schools and go for private-owned ones as ignorance is more expensive than fees paid in private schools.

Private schools are more expensive than government schools, something that has been keeping cash-strapped parents from sending their kids to better schools.

Source – Pindula News

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post Tanya Muzinda: Govt is not sincere in educating its children first appeared on Mbare Times.

ED to ZANU PF Members: Don’t ever attempt to leave, it’s cold out there


ED t o ZANU PF Members: Don’t ever attempt to leave, it’s cold out there. He made the remarks while addressing a rally in Epworth at the weekend when he was launching the party’s campaign for the March 26 by-elections.  President Emmerson Mnangagwa has warned ZANU PF members against leaving the party as that will likely mark the end of their political careers. He said:

I am aware that we have by-elections coming up and during the provincial elections, we got reports that they were chaotic. Conflicts are accepted in the party but if a candidate wins, we must all embrace the result and rally behind them,” he said.

We do not want thieves. I am told some of the candidates ran away with ballot papers during primary elections. If you are the one who disappeared with ballot papers, let it be the last time. Zanu PF loves peace.

You must follow the laws that are in the party. Respect the laws of the party. Do not join the opposition. Do not ever attempt to leave. It’s cold out there. Mnangagwa blamed the lack of development in the country on corruption during the reign of the late former President Robert Mugabe’s era. He said:

I sometimes question where money meant for development went during the First Republic, but I’m quick to put myself to order (keep quiet) as I was also part of the old regime.

Political analyst Eldred Masunungure said: “Assuming it was not a miss of the tongue, that is staggeringly shocking and yet unwittingly true, especially from a regime that consistently seeks to distance itself in word and deed from the so-called first republic.

Source – NewsDay Zimbabwe

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post ED to ZANU PF Members: Don’t ever attempt to leave, it’s cold out there first appeared on Mbare Times.

CCC Vice President Tendai Biti arrested and then released without charge


CCC Vice President Tendai Biti arrested and then released without charge. His CCC party claimed this Monday that the former Finance and Economic Development Minister was taken to Harare Central Police Station and was later taken to Rhodesville Police Station after his arrest at Letombo Spar in Greendale.

Tendai Biti, the deputy vice president of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) was this Monday arrested in Glendale but was later released without charge. The party said Biti was on a “meet and greet” as he campaigns for MP ahead of March 26 by-election. Said CCC in a statement:

Hon @BitiTendai has been unlawfully arrested in Greendale by 3 armed police officers including the OIC of Rhodesville Police Station. He’s being held at Harare Central Police Station. @PoliceZimbabwe have declined to advise him of the charges against him. DTF

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) issued a statement that supported reports by the CCC. Said the lawyers: Human rights lawyer @BitiTendai is currently detained at Harare Central Police Station after he was arrested by @PoliceZimbabwe while at Letombo Spar in Msasa Harare.

ZLHR in an update said Biti had been moved to Rhodesville Police Station from Harare Central Police Station. The lawyers later reported that Biti had been released without charge. Said ZLHR in a statement:

Our rapid reaction system works effectively to limit & combat violation of HRDs rights&after the quick intervention of ours lawyers, @BitiTendai & his aide Emmanuel Zellers Gumbo has just been released with no charges preferred against them after being taken to 2 police stations.

Responding to the reports that Biti had been arrested, some social media users criticised the government for “abusing human rights.” Some said the arrest was staged and is part of a grand plan to boost Biti’s chance of winning the by-elections set for 26 March.

Source – Pindula News

In other news – Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives

Man laments: My small MANH00D has costed me 5 wives. “When you don’t satisfy a woman, they dump you and go look for better s.e.x,” he said. The man said his problem is inherited. A man (53) from Alexandra has had five failed marriages because he has a small 4-5.


“My father had the same problem but our parents stayed together. “I have been to churches, prophets and even to a men’s clinic but nothing has worked.”…Learn More.

The post CCC Vice President Tendai Biti arrested and then released without charge first appeared on Mbare Times.

Trade Unionist: It’s now difficult to justify incapacitation


Trade Unionist: It’s now difficult to justify incapacitation. He made the remarks in an interview with Zimpapers Television Network. He said: We believe that these new measures will certainly make it difficult to justify incapacitation.

The Secretary for the Public Sector Trade Unions Mr David Dzasunga has said there is no reason for civil servants to declare incapacitation.

With US$175, the RTGS component could amount to an extra US$100 and we are looking at US$375 for the lowest worker on the current obtaining parallel market rate.

I believe that US$375 should be enough, it’s not good enough, it’s not the best, but it should be enough for someone to get to work. He said they were in negotiations with the Government over the suspension of teachers. Dzasunga added:

We had a fall out on the Government side with the threat to punish teachers who didn’t travel to their workstation because of incapacitation. They have genuine problems of incapacitation and the divide was too wide between the poverty line and their income.

Also speaking to ZTN, Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Paul Mavhima said the deadlock between teachers and the government affected learners.

He said the matter should not have spilt into the courts as the Government is “making frantic and very genuine efforts to improve the conditions of service of the workers.”

Source – The Chronicle

In other news – Business community rejecting Zim Dollar

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released.

MangudyaThe business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency…Learn More.

The post Trade Unionist: It’s now difficult to justify incapacitation first appeared on Mbare Times.

President Mnangagwa ensembles team to go after G40 officials


President Mnangagwa ensembles team to go after G40 officials. Exiled former Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services minister, Professor Jonathan Moyo and several other former cabinet ministers including Patrick Zhuwao, Saviour Kasukuwere and Walter Mzembi skipped the country’s borders in 2017 following the ouster of the late former President Robert Mugabe.

Moyo, has written an open letter to President Emmerson Mnangagwa of plotting to “go after” members of the vanquished G40 who are in exile.

They had been hostile to Lacoste, a ZANU PF faction led by then-Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa and fled the country in fear of retribution.

In his open letter, Moyo claims that Mnangagwa has put together a team comprised of individuals from the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO)’s counter-Intelligence and the Ministry of Defence. Pindula News presents Moyo’s open letter:

Dear Emmerson

I have impeccable information that you’ve put together a joint hit squad with elements from CIO Counter-Intelligence and MID to go after me and other exiled Cdes; you have targeted since your Nov 2017 Army coup. All I can say is that God is for everyone!

NB: The above open letter has been placed here for no other purpose than to put @edmnangagwa on public notice that his plot is known. Full stop!

This comes amid reports that G40 is plotting to make a comeback and dislodge the Mnangagwa-led administration.

Source – Pindula News

In other news – Business community rejecting Zim Dollar

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released.

MangudyaThe business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency…Learn More.

The post President Mnangagwa ensembles team to go after G40 officials first appeared on Mbare Times.

Zimbabwe COVID-19 update as at 14 February 2022


Zimbabwe COVID-19 update as at 14 February 2022. Here is the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Situation Report or Update for Zimbabwe by the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) on 14 February 2022:

222 New Cases (All local) and 0 Deaths were reported today. (7-day rolling average* for new cases raises to 142 from 132 (yesterday).
Vaccination Update: 1 844 received the 1st dose today bringing cumulative for 1st dose to 4 315 627, 2 182 received their 2nd dose bringing cumulative for 2nd dose to 3 346 937 while 2 496 received their 3rd dose bringing cumulative for 3rd dose to 84 770.
As of 12 February 2022, @1500hrs there were 22 hospitalised cases: New Admissions (1), Asymptomatic 2, mild to moderate 17, severe 3 and 0 in Intensive Care Units.
2 437 tests were done today (Positivity today was 9%).
204 new recoveries: National Recovery rate remains at 96% & Active cases go down to 2 892.
As of today, Zimbabwe has recorded 231 603 Cases; 223 337 recoveries & 5 374 Deaths.

Province PCR Tests Ag Cum Cases (New) Recovered Cases (New) Active Cases Deaths (New)
Bulawayo 324 20431 (6) 19536 (6) 51 844 (0)
Harare 688 46365 (3) 44517 (4) 84 1764 (0)
Manicaland 461 26037 (33) 25032 (85) 469 536 (0)
Mash Cent 107 13519 (17) 13169 (4) 36 314 (0)
Mash East 0 29098 (44) 27897 (4) 798 403 (0)
Mash West 74 28707 (25) 27238 (25) 902 567 (0)
Midlands 78 16913 (9) 16157(0) 329 427 (0)
Masvingo 462 19002 (60) 18663(24) 141 198 (0)
Mat North 0 16058 (18) 15894 (23) 41 123 (0)
Mat South 243 15473 (7) 15234 (29) 41 198 (0)
Total 2 437 231 603(222) 223337(204) 2 892 5 374



The post Zimbabwe COVID-19 update as at 14 February 2022 first appeared on Mbare Times.

Nedbank Zim now compliant with the USD30 million minimum capital requirement


Nedbank Zim now compliant with the USD30 million minimum capital requirement. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has announced that Nedbank Zimbabwe is now compliant with the minimum capital requirement of ZW$ equivalent to USD30 million.

Further to the announcement in the Monetary Policy Statement of 7 February 2022 that, Nedbank Zimbabwe Limited was non-compliant with the minimum capital requirement as at 31 December 2021,

the Bank is pleased to advise the public that, Nedbank Zimbabwe Limited has raised additional capital through a rights issue and is now compliant with the minimum capital requirement of ZW$ equivalent to USD30 million.

Accordingly, Nedbank Zimbabwe’s reported minimum capital as at 9 February 2022 is ZW$ equivalent to USD31.1 million, against the regulatory minimum of the ZW$ equivalent to USD 30 million.

John P. Mangudya


Source -Pindula News

In other news – Business community rejecting Zim Dollar

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released.

MangudyaThe business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency…Learn More.

The post Nedbank Zim now compliant with the USD30 million minimum capital requirement first appeared on Mbare Times.

Job Alert: ZERA looking for a risk officer


Job Alert: ZERA looking for a risk officer. Interested candidates are supposed to send their applications on or before the 18th of February 2022.

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) is inviting suitable candidates to apply for the post of Risk Officer that has risen in the company. Below is the application…

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) is a statutory body and is mandated to regulate the Zimbabwean energy market cost-effectively through incentive regulation and in a Lair and transparent manner to achieve sustainable energy.

ZERA seeks the services of a highly competent and results-oriented individual to actively contribute in the execution of its mandate.

Reporting directly to the Finance and Administration Director. the Key Job 1Posethias of this position will be:

• Assist in the development. review and implementation of Authority’s Risk Management Strategy and Program.
• Assist in the development, review and implementation of Authority’s Business Continuity Plan_
• Monitor and review compliance with Authority’s Risk Management Policy.

• Assist risk champions in undertaking risk assessments.

• Maintain a risk register reflecting Authority’s operations and assets

• Review Departmental Risk registers.

• Conduct as directed periodic audits of Risk and OHS Management programs.

• Implement and review OHS Programs. Policies and Procedures and risk assessments to ensure compliance with legislation and best practices.

• Conduct risk assessments in conjunction with Risk Champions.

• Coordinate training and guidance to staff in the implementation of Risk and OHS management systems

• Assist in the development and implementation of internal and external audit schedules to ensure compliance of the Risk and OHS management system.

• Assist, support and guide staff participating in Compliance audits.

• Review and update risk management SOPs.
• Compile monthly and quarterly risk management reports.

• Maintain and update the accidents register.
• Any other reasonable duties as directed.

Key Job Requirements:
The successful candidate for this position should meet the following criteria:
• A Degree in Risk Management or Related Field.

• A relevant Post Graduate qualification would be an added advantage.

• 3 to S years’ experience in OHS and Risk Management

• Excellent report writing skills_

• Ability to manage risk and exposure.

• Good interpersonal skills.

Application Procedure
Prospective candidates for this position should email their CVs to vacancies@zera.co.zw by no Later than 18 February 2022.

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be responded to. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Source – Pindula News

In other news – Business community rejecting Zim Dollar

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released.

MangudyaThe business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency…Learn More.

The post Job Alert: ZERA looking for a risk officer first appeared on Mbare Times.

Exposed: Proof of a double voter who will vote in Mbizo and Kwekwe Central


Exposed: Proof of a double voter who will vote in Mbizo and Kwekwe Central. Team Pachedu, an opposition political activism online group, has posted a document which according to them is proof that there are individuals who were registered twice in the voters’ roll. Said Team Pachedu:

Last week, we expressed concern over the unusual influx of voters from Mbizo into Kwekwe Central. The similarities below are statistically improbable and only points to the fact that this is a double voter who will vote in both Mbizo & Kwekwe Central.

Firstname BEST FRANK
Surname HOMELA
ID Number 58-305541Δ 68
Sex Male
Date of Birth 28/06/1997
01/12/2020 Serial Number 297901122008…..
Polling Station Kwekwe B Primary School
Ward 13
Local Authority Kwekwe Municipality
Constituency Kwekwe Central
District Kwekwe


Firstname BEST FRANK
Surname HOMERA
ID Number 58-305541 Δ66
Sex Male
Date of Birth 28/06/1997
29/11/2017 Serial Number 232829111717….
Polling Station Section 6 Towerlight Tent
Ward 3
Local Authority Kwekwe Municipality
Constituency Mbizo
District Kwekwe

This comes a few weeks after exiled former cabinet minister, Professor Jonathan Moyo, raised eyebrows over the voters’ registration blitz being conducted by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

He was quoted by Pindula News as expressing concern over the possibility that the ZEC’s Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) system allowed multiple voter registration as claimed by ZEC chair, Justice Priscilla Chigumba recently.

The former ZANU PF legislator for Tsholotsho said “it is unacceptable that ZEC is unable to detect and stop multiple registrations instantly, when a registered voter tries to register, again.” He added:

After the 2017 coup, China’s Laxton Group, which had supplied BVR kits & designed a matching de-duplication server to detect & block multiple voter registration, lost the de-duplication tender to a US company IPPSIDY, whose system is incompatible with Laxton Group’s design!

He said ZEC, resultantly, literally uses flash sticks to capture BVR data before inputting it to the IPPSIDY server for de-duplication and storage; hence its delay and unreliability.

Moyo echoed ZEC and said there was ample evidence that some Civic Society Organisations (CSOs) were sponsoring some if not all of the multiple voter registration adding “The blanket denials by CSOs are false and dishonest!”

Source – Pindula News

In other news – Business community rejecting Zim Dollar

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released.

MangudyaThe business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency…Learn More.

The post Exposed: Proof of a double voter who will vote in Mbizo and Kwekwe Central first appeared on Mbare Times.

Beef farmers trained under EU-funded beef project


Beef farmers trained under EU-funded beef project. The Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme-Beef Enterprises Strengthening and Transformation (ZAGP-BEST) project, which is funded by the European Union, has trained several beef farmers in Matabeleland North province to come up with supplementary feeding.

The EU is working with the government to support small to medium-scale beef producers. BEST project Livestock and livelihoods specialist Gift Chomuzinda told Southern Eye that the supplementary feeding programme was meant to alleviate deaths of livestock due to lack of stockfeed caused by drying of grazing land during the lean season. Chomuzinda said:

To alleviate cattle poverty deaths, we are encouraging farmers to formulate their on farm feeds through urea treatment of low-quality roughages such as maize stover, silage and dry feeds.

Smallholder cattle herds are prone to poverty deaths during the dry season, as both feed quality and quantity are compromised in this period.

Supplementary feeding becomes inevitable, yet the costs of commercial feeds are often a deterrent, and farmers stick to traditional practices of collecting crop residue and preserving it for future use as animal feed.

Under the project, farmers are taught how to formulate their own stock feeds to supplement grass, which is often in short supply in arid areas such as Matabeleland during dry seasons.

Some of the farmers that have benefited from the BEST programme include Phineas Tshabalala (78) from Umguza district in Nyamandlovu ward 19, who said he had been losing cattle due to lack of pastures.

Tshabalala, who owns 86 heads of cattle, has been selling them to unscrupulous middlemen and butchery owners who offered low prices.

Source – NewsDay Zmbabwe

In other news – Business community rejecting Zim Dollar

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released.

MangudyaThe business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency…Learn More.

The post Beef farmers trained under EU-funded beef project first appeared on Mbare Times.

Zifa President Felton Kamambo granted bail


Zifa President Felton Kamambo granted bail. Kamambo, Machana and Chapeta were also ordered to report once a week and surrender their passports with the Clerk of Court.

Suspended Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) president Felton Kamambo and two executive committee members- Phillemon Machana and Stanley Chapeta were today granted $100 000 bail each when they appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court on fraud charges.

They were also ordered not to visit Zifa House or purport as Zifa officials either through a proxy or in any other way until the matter is finalised.

Two other ZIFA executives, Joseph Mamutse and Brighton Malandule, who were jointly charged with Kamambo, Machana and Chapeta were released on free bail.

The five appeared before Harare regional magistrate Mr Stanford Mambanje. Mr Ephraim Zinyandu appeared for the State while lawyers Mr Admire Rubaya and Mr Malvern Mapako appeared on behalf of Kamambo and his accomplices who were remanded to March 31.

Source – The Herald

In other news – Business community rejecting Zim Dollar

Business community rejecting Zim Dollar. This happened at a review of the 2022 monetary policy statement (MPS) hosted by the Zimbabwe Economic Society two days after the MPS was released.

MangudyaThe business community last Wednesday told the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya that they do not want the Zimbabwe dollar as it is not a sustainable currency…Learn More.

The post Zifa President Felton Kamambo granted bail first appeared on Mbare Times.
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